Ieri sono tornata a casa ed ho trovato un pacchetto per me, spedito da una mia amica spagnola, Lola. Dire che mi sono innamorata di ogni cosa che mi ha mandato non è abbastanza! Ecco le foto, voi che ne pensate? :D
Hi everyone! It's a long time that I don't post something in this blog and I wanna repair, I hope I can devote on it more, this time :)
Yesterday I came back home and I've found a package for me, sent by a spanish friend of mine, Lola.
Say that I fell in love with everything is not enough! These are the photos, what do you think? :D
OPI - The color to watch -
Layla -
Essence silky touch blush - 10 adorable
Essence Bronzer Sun Club Collection
MAC Cosmetics - Cavier dreams (Cham-pale Collection)
MAC Cosmetics paint pot - Vintage selection (Cham-pale Collection)
MAC Cosmetics lipglass - Underage
Con la palette della MAC Cosmetics ho fatto questo trucco.
E' molto naturale sui toni del marrone e del rosa.
With the MAC palette I've made this makeup.
It's very natural makeup in shades of brown and pink.
With the MAC palette I've made this makeup.
It's very natural makeup in shades of brown and pink.
Ciao Ciao
Bye Bye
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