Vorrei vivere in un film.
Vorrei vivere in un film per sognare e veder realizzato, per addormentarmi senza pensieri.
Vorrei vivere in un film per visitare posti mai visti, assaggiare piatti mai gustati, ascoltare musiche mai sentite.
Vorrei vivere in un film per correre in sconfinati prati verdi e poi stendermi, sfinita, sull'erba soffice, lasciandomi cullare dal vento.
Vorrei vivere in un film per non far soffrire mai alcuno e perché nessuno mi faccia mai del male.
Vorrei vivere in un film per amare incondizionatamente. Uscirei in strada ed urlare i miei sentimenti a squarciagola; nessuno mi giudicherebbe. Amerei, senza curarmi di ciò che pensano gli altri.
Vorrei vivere in un film per evadere dalla realtà, dimenticare tutto.
Ma poi penso che mi mancherebbe qualcosa.
Perché solo io posso concretizzare i miei sogni.
Perché durante la mia vita avrò modo di viaggiare, vedere, gustare, ascoltare. E non mi perderò un singolo istante.
Perché posso decidere di correre quando voglio, l'aria che sferza il viso, per dimenticare i miei problemi solo per un istante.
Perché in fondo è proprio il dolore che mi rende più forte, anche se fa talmente male da farmi pensare che non guarirò più.
Perché posso decidere di amare chi voglio, dando tutta me stessa, senza curarmi di chi la pensa diversamente.
Perché se dimenticassi ogni cosa, perderei i ricordi di quei pochi e brevi momenti in cui ero felice.
Perché in un film il copione è già scritto, la mia vita invece la scrivo io.
I want to live in a movie.
I want to live in a movie to dream and see it happen to sleep without worries.
I want to live in a movie to visit places never seen, taste food never tasted, listen to music never heard.
I want to live in a movie to dream and see it happen to sleep without worries.
I want to live in a movie to visit places never seen, taste food never tasted, listen to music never heard.
I want to live in a film to run in the endless green fields and then lie down, exhausted, on the soft grass, lulled by the wind.
I want to live in a movie to not hurt anyone and never do because I never hurt anyone.
I want to live in a movie to love unconditionally. Go out into the street and scream my feelings out loud, no one would judge me. I would love, not caring what others think.
I want to live in a movie to escape from reality, forget everything.
But then I think I would miss something.
Because only I can realize my dreams.
Because in my lifetime I will travel, see, taste, hear. And I won't lose a single moment.
Because I can decide when I want to run, the air whipping my face, only to forget my problems for a while.
I want to live in a movie to not hurt anyone and never do because I never hurt anyone.
I want to live in a movie to love unconditionally. Go out into the street and scream my feelings out loud, no one would judge me. I would love, not caring what others think.
I want to live in a movie to escape from reality, forget everything.
But then I think I would miss something.
Because only I can realize my dreams.
Because in my lifetime I will travel, see, taste, hear. And I won't lose a single moment.
Because I can decide when I want to run, the air whipping my face, only to forget my problems for a while.
Because it is the pain that makes me stronger, even if it is so bad that I don't think that I will heal anymore.
Because I can decide to love who I want, giving all of myself, not bothering to those who think differently.
Because if I would forget everything, I would lose the memories of those few brief moments in which I was happy.
Because in a movie the script is already written, I am writing my life instead.
Because I can decide to love who I want, giving all of myself, not bothering to those who think differently.
Because if I would forget everything, I would lose the memories of those few brief moments in which I was happy.
Because in a movie the script is already written, I am writing my life instead.
Everything made by me, dont' copy.
Non copiare, grazie.
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